In consideration of my approved attendance at the ASTPS Tax Resolution Accelerator, I acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
1. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS: I acknowledge that ASTPS retains full ownership rights to all recorded content from the Event, including Impressions. ASTPS reserves the right to edit, modify, distribute, and repurpose the content in any medium. I waive any copyright or ownership claims and assign any rights, title, and interest in the content to ASTPS. I agree to sign any necessary documents to support ASTPS’s rights.
2. COPYRIGHT AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: All Event materials, including but not limited to recordings, slides, and handouts, are the confidential and proprietary intellectual property of ASTPS. These materials are provided solely for my personal use as an Event participant. I may not store, reproduce, transmit, or distribute any Event materials without explicit written permission from ASTPS. Unauthorized use or distribution of ASTPS materials may result in legal action, including injunctive relief and financial damages, for which I will be responsible.
3. RIGHT TO PHOTOS & VIDEO: I expressly grant the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (“ASTPS”) and its officers, employees, agents, and assignees the right to capture, record, and use photographs, video, and/or audio impressions (collectively, “Impressions”) of me during the Event. ASTPS may use these Impressions, including my voice, likeness, and any event-related contributions, in any format (e.g., still images, video recordings, digital content) for professional, educational, informational, and promotional purposes. I waive any right to royalties, fees, or compensation and release ASTPS from any claims of portrayal in a derogatory manner or false light.
4. NO FINANCIAL GUARANTEES: The Event includes discussions about business strategies and revenue growth opportunities in tax resolution. I understand that past success does not guarantee future results, and ASTPS makes no promises regarding my financial success. Any business decisions I make based on Event content are my responsibility, and ASTPS does not guarantee specific results.
5. RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: I understand that the information, products, and services presented at the Event should be carefully evaluated. I agree that ASTPS is not responsible for my business success or failure based on the information provided.
6. VIDEOCONFERENCE POLICY: Each registration for the Event allows access for only one attendee. I acknowledge that I am the sole authorized participant and will not share, broadcast, or allow others to view the Event using my registration.
7. LIABILITY WAIVER AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK: I understand my physical and professional limitations and assume full responsibility for my participation in the Event. If physical movement is involved, I acknowledge the potential for injury and confirm that I have consulted a physician or chosen to participate at my own risk. I release ASTPS, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents from any liability related to injuries, property damage, or other claims arising from my participation in the Event.
By attending the Event, I agree to indemnify and hold ASTPS harmless from any claims or damages arising from my participation. This waiver extends to ASTPS and all associated personnel.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms as a condition of my participation in the ASTPS Event.